
Hot off the press! Keep up with the latest developments in our company. ENGIE is active in a broad range of domains.

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Doel 3 is permanently shut down

On September 23, Electrabel has permanently disconnected the Doel 3 reactor from the high-voltage grid, in accordance with the Act of 31 January 2003 on the gradual phase-out of nuclear energy for industrial electricity production. This means Doel 3 is the first Belgian nuclear power plant to stop producing electricity for good. The first activities related to the post operational phase and subsequent dismantling will begin.
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The ENGIE Foundation

For years, the ENGIE Foundation has been committed to benefiting the most vulnerable and, more recently, to a sustainable future.
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Corporate PPA: het groene stroomleveringscontract voor bedrijven

Als grootste producent van hernieuwbare energie in België zet ENGIE zich in om de transitie naar een koolstofneutrale economie te versnellen. Energie-intensieve bedrijven nemen steeds meer initiatieven om hun koolstofuitstoot te verminderen. ENGIE ondersteunt hen hierin en biedt hun tal van oplossingen aan om hun duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen te halen. Een van deze oplossingen is het groene stroomleveringscontract, ofwel de corporate Power Purchase Agreement of PPA.

Umicore signs renewable electricity PPAs with ENGIE and Axpo to power two of its largest sites worldwide

Umicore has signed two separate long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs), with ENGIE and Axpo to source renewable electricity from offshore and onshore wind turbines in Belgium. These agreements will cover more than half of the electricity demand from Umicore’s Belgian sites and help the Group achieve its objective to be carbon neutral by 2035.

Our activities

ENGIE is a leading energy and services company with a whole range of activities. Discover them here.