A sunny future for Umicore in Bruges thanks to ENGIE's new solar panel installation

At the end of 2019, the Umicore site in Bruges was fitted with 1943 solar panels, to produce an output of 660 kWp. This prevents 274 tons of CO2 per year. The solar panels were financed by ENGIE Sun4Business and installed by Eoluz.

Success of the third-party investor solution

ENGIE Sun4Business aims to stimulate the installation of solar panels on roofs and to simplify the process. Françoise Sotiau, Project leader at ENGIE Sun4Business: ‘With the third-party financing solution, ENGIE takes care of everything. We are responsible for the design, financing, follow-up of the installation and its maintenance for the first 10 years. Thereafter, the customer becomes the owner of the installation. This system means that we can realise our ambition to make solar energy more accessible in Belgium. And, so far, it’s been a success: our objective of 60 MW of solar panels in 2020 will be achieved and possibly surpassed. This is thanks to the many different projects, such as the one for Umicore.’

The collaboration on renewable energy in Bruges was nothing new for ENGIE and Umicore. In October 2019, ENGIE and Umicore announced the first industrial ‘second life’ battery system at the Umicore site in Olen. Further evidence, if any were needed, that sustainability is high on the agenda for both partners. Read more about the project here.

Articles and press releases

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J.P. Morgan partners with 50five Group to expand European EV charging infrastructure

Brussels, 12 October 2022 – Institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Global Transportation Group have made an investment in 50five Group, a leading full- service provider of charging infrastructure for Electrical Vehicles (EV) in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg and the United Kingdom.
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Corporate PPA: het groene stroomleveringscontract voor bedrijven

Als grootste producent van hernieuwbare energie in België zet ENGIE zich in om de transitie naar een koolstofneutrale economie te versnellen. Energie-intensieve bedrijven nemen steeds meer initiatieven om hun koolstofuitstoot te verminderen. ENGIE ondersteunt hen hierin en biedt hun tal van oplossingen aan om hun duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen te halen. Een van deze oplossingen is het groene stroomleveringscontract, ofwel de corporate Power Purchase Agreement of PPA.

Umicore signs renewable electricity PPAs with ENGIE and Axpo to power two of its largest sites worldwide

Umicore has signed two separate long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs), with ENGIE and Axpo to source renewable electricity from offshore and onshore wind turbines in Belgium. These agreements will cover more than half of the electricity demand from Umicore’s Belgian sites and help the Group achieve its objective to be carbon neutral by 2035.
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Carmeuse, ENGIE and John Cockerill join forces to reduce industrial CO2 emissions in Wallonia

Carmeuse, ENGIE and John Cockerill have signed a Joint Development Agreement for an innovative Carbon Capture and Utilisation (“CCU”) project in Wallonia. This project will concentrate CO2 from an innovative type of lime kiln, combine it with green hydrogen and produce “e-methane”, a renewable gas that can be injected in the gas grid or used in transport or in the industry. The green hydrogen will be produced by a 75 MW electrolyser plant powered by green electricity. This project is the largest of its kind in the world. It opens new routes for significant carbon emission reductions in Europe and the world.